ABACUS [Mental Math]

ABACUS Online Program

Online abacus training
We find that many of the students are willing to learn abacus but due to distance or due to lake of time, they are unable to attend in regular class. So, we are offering online abacus training program also.

Correspondence (postal) abacus training
We also know that in some area, there is no electricity power or no sufficient electricity supply. On the other hand, in some area, there is no internet facility. So, we are also offering correspondence (postal) program for the students who are willing to take this talent program honestly.

Procedure of examination for the online/correspondence students.
The students, who will take admission in online / correspondence (postal) abacus training program, they will have to seat in level examination in every after three months.

There shall be option for the online / correspondence students that if they feels, may take special class for a short period as they like.   ( The time period may be one day, two days or three days etc.)