ABACUS [Mental Math]

ABACUS [Mental Math] Training

About Abacus :
                     ABACUS : A  PLAY  OF  THE  BEAD

A short history of ABACUS :
    From the history of abacus, it is known that during the 11th century, the Chinese abacus or suan pan, was invented.  A suan pan is a frame having a horizontal divider, who divides the frame into two parts, above the divider is called upper part and below the divider is called lower part. In the Chinese abacus, there are two beads in the upper part and five beads in the lower part.

    During the last part of the 15th century, use of the Chinese abacus or suan pan spread to Korea, and then to Japan. Soroban is the Japanese termed of abacus. Originally the soroban looked like Chinese abacus having two beads in the upper part and five beads in lower part. In the year 1850, it was modified to have only one bead in the upper part  and no change in the lower part (5 beads). In the year 1930, it was again modified that to have one bead in the upper part and four beads in the lower part.

    In the year1979, the Chinese Abacus Association was founded. They established a graded examination in 1984, and started competitions in 1989. It is felt by many abacus experts that learning abacus strengthens the student’s sense of number placement value and helps to further a better overall understanding of numbers. It’s also a lot of fun.

Construction of Abacus (Soroban).
    Abacus (Soroban) is a counting instrument with beads on rods in a frame. The frame is divided into two parts by a horizontal beam called divider. The two parts of the abacus are known as “upper part” and “lower part”. One bead in the upper part is valued five and each beads in the lower part is valued one. Each rod represents a digit such as ‘Ones’, ‘Tens’, ‘Hundreds’, ‘Thousands’ etc.

    The number of rods in a Soroban is always odd and never less than nine. Basic models usually have thirteen rods, but the number of rods on practical or standard models often increases to 21, 23, 27 or even 31, for calculation of more digits or representations of several different numbers at the same time.

    A soroban contains some dot marking in every third rod to designated last digit of the whole number, that is called unit rod. The right part of the unit rod is to calculate decimal number. The unit rod is always designated as 1’s, immidiate left rod is designated as 10’s, next immidiate left rod is designated as 100’s, then thousands, millions, etc.

Our method of training :
    Our method of training is Japanese Abacus (Soroban) and use a modern 1 : 4 bead Japanese soroban.

Always Work from Left to Right : 
    The technique to use the abacus is "always work from left to right". The students may feel hesitation in first time that habitually they are doing sums from right to left but after regular practice, new students also can solve arithmetical problems easily without hesitation. We can solve mathematical problems with great agility and speed.